HazRunoff First Workshop with Stakeholders – 1st February 2019

Integration of sensing and modelling technologies for early detection and follow-up of hazmat and flood hazards in transitional and coastal waters

HazRunoff organized a workshop on the 1st February in Vigo, Spain. The workshop gathered key Spanish stakeholders (MeteoGalicia, Augas de Galcia, Confederación Hidrográfica del Miño-sil, Protección civil, Intecmar and Servizo de Gardacostas de Galicia) to discuss the integrated system of early warning, monitoring and response to episodes of pollution associated with floods developed within the framework of the project. This event was focus on the Galician case study, and the following topics were addressed:

– Operational digital tools for situational awareness and crisis management

– In-situ, airborne (UAV/drones) and satellite remote sensing technologies

– Integrated water cycle modelling

– Learning from past incidents; preparing for the future

– Hazard prioritization tool

For more information below is the agenda of the Workshop:




HazRunoff First Workshop with Stakeholders – 1st February 2019