External events

Participation in Conferences and Symposiums

-HazRunoff Project: A Novel Tool for Early Detection and Follow-up of Hazmat and Flood Hazard in Transitional and Coastal Waters.
-Prioritising Chemical Pollution Hazards from Coastal infrastructure. A Framework to Inform Planning and Preparedness.

Responsible Partner: PHE
Date & event: 4th – 6th June 2019, “42nd AMOP” Technical Seminar on Environmental Contamination and Response (Halifax, Canada)
Download: Abstract
Download: Abstract
Paul Harold (PHE) presented two of the outputs of HazRunoff project:

The hazard prioritisation framework is used to identify key pollutants associated to past and present chemical hazards associated with coastal industrial infrastructure following events such as flooding and coastal erosion.

Besides, a Water Rapid Assessment Tool (Water RAT) was designed for use in both alerting and response phases of by assessing data on key pollutants against health and environmental standards.

HazRunoff project was present in the framework of the “42nd AMOP” Technical Seminar on Environmental Contamination and Response, organised by Environment Canada in Halifax, 4th – 6th June.